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Structural Equation Modeling名家002__Rex B. Kline論文匯總

<SEM名家002>Rex B. Kline

【资料名称】:Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling, Second Edition (Methodology In The Social Sciences)
【资料作者】: Rex B. Kline
【出版社】:The Guilford Press

【资料名称】:Rex B. Kline發表之論文匯總
【資料作者】: Rex B. Kline

Recent Chapters (Edited Volumes)
Kline, R. B.
(in press).
Convergence of structural equation modeling and multilevel modeling.
In M. Williams (Ed.), Handbook of Methodological Innovation.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.  (Prepublication version)

Kline, R, B.
(in press).
Promise and pitfalls of structural equation modeling in gifted research.
In B. Thompson (Ed.,), Gifted methodologies.
Washington, DC: APA Books.  (Prepublication version)

Kline, R. B.
Reverse arrow-dynamics: Formative measurement models and feedback loops.
In G. R. Hancock and R. O. Mueller (Eds.), A second course in structural equation modeling (pp. 43-68).
Greenwich, CT : Information Age Publishing.  (Page proof)

Book Chapters
Kline, R. B.
Becoming a behavioral science researcher: A guide to producing research that matters.
New York: Guildford Press.  (Chapter 7, Measurement)

Kline, R. B.  (2004).  Beyond significance testing: Reforming data analysis methods in behavioral research.  Washington, DC : American Psychological Association.  (Chapter 1, Introduction, prepublication version)

Recent Conference Presentations
Kline, R. B.
(2005, June).
Collapsing the black hole of psychology research: Cognitive distortions and growing up.
66th Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montréal, Québec.

Articles (Refeered Journals)
Seffah, A., Donyaee, M., Kline, R., & Harkikat, K. P.
(2006).Usability metrics and measurement: A consolidated model.   
Software Quality Journal, 14, 159-178.

Kline, R., & Seffah, A.
Evaluation of integrated software development environments: Challenges and results from three empirical studies.
International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 63, 607-627.

Kline, R. B.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 18, 160-166.

Pisecco, S., Lachar, D., Gruber, C. P., Gallen, R. T., Kline, R. B., & Huzinec, C. (1999).  Development and validation of disruptive behavior scales for the Student Behavior Survey (SBS).
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 17, 314-331.

Kline, R. B.

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 17, 275-280.

Margolese, S. K., & Kline, R. B.
Prediction of early reading success in multilingual children.
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 31, 209-216

Kline, R. B.

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 16, 365-384.

Kline, R. B.
Software programs for structural equation modeling: Amos, EQS, and LISREL.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 16, 343-364.

Wingenfeld, S. A., Lachar, D., Gruber, C. P., & Kline, R. B.
(1998). Development of the teacher-informant Student Behavior Survey.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 16, 226-249.

Kline, R. B.
Eight-month predictive validity and covariance structure of the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire for Adolescents (AEQ-A) for junior high school students.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 57, 396-405.

Kline, R. B., Snyder, J., & Castellanos, M.
Lessons from the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC): Toward a new assessment model. Psychological Assessment, 8, 7-17.

Kline, R. B.
New objective rating scales for child assessment, II.
Self-report scales: The Behavior Assessment System for Children, the Youth Self-Report, and the Personality Inventory for Youth.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 13, 169-193.


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Kline, R. B.
New objective rating scales for child assessment, I.
Parent- and teacher-informant inventories: The Behavior Assessment System for Children, the Child Behavior Checklist, and the Teacher Report Form.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 12, 289- 306.

Kline, R. B.

Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 12, 180-185.

Kline, R. B., Lachar, D., Gruber, C. P., & Boersma, D. C.
Identification of special education needs with the Personality Inventory for Children (PIC): A profile-matching strategy.
Assessment, 1, 301-313.

Kline, R. B., Snyder, J., Guilmette, S., & Castellanos, M.
Evaluation of the construct validity of the Kamphaus-Reynolds supplementary scoring system for the K-ABC.
Assessment, 1, 219-226.

Kline, R. B., & Canter, W. A.
Can educational programs affect teenage drinking?
A multivariate perspective.
Journal of Drug Education, 24, 139-149.

Kline, R. B., Graham, S. A., & Lachar, D.
Are IQ scores valid for poor readers?
Psychological Assessment, 5, 400-407.

Kline, R. B., Lachar, D., & Boersma, D. C.
Identification of special education needs with the Personality Inventory for Children (PIC): A hierarchical classification model.
Psychological Assessment, 5, 307-316.

Kline, R. B., Snyder, J., Guilmette, S., & Castellanos, M. (1993).
External validity of the Profile Variability Index (PVI) for the WISC-R, K-ABC, and Stanford-Binet: Another cul-de-sac.
Journal of Learning Disabilities, 26, 557-567.

Kline, R. B., Snyder, J., Guilmette, S., & Castellanos, M.
Relative usefulness of elevation, variability, and shape information from WISC-R, K-ABC, and new Stanford-Binet profiles in predicting achievement.  
Psychological Assessment, 4, 426-432.

Kline, R. B., Guilmette, S., Snyder, J., & Castellanos, M.
Relative cognitive complexity of the K-ABC and the WISC-R.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 10, 141- 152.

Kline, R. B., & Lachar, D.
Evaluation of age, sex, and race bias in the Personality Inventory for Children (PIC).  
Psychological Assessment, 4, 333-339.

Kline, R. B., Lachar, D., & Gdowski, C. L.
Clinical validity of a Personality Inventory for Children (PIC) profile typology.
Journal of Personality Assessment, 58, 591-605

Lacombe, J. A., Kline, R. B., Lachar, D., Butkus, M., & Hillman, S. B.
Case history correlates of a Personality Inventory for Children profile typology.
Psychological Assessment, 3,

Kline, R. B.
Latent variable path analysis in clinical research: A beginner's tour guide.
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 47, 471-484.

Kline, R. B.
The relation of alcohol expectancies to drinking patterns among alcoholics: Generalization across gender and race.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 51, 175-182.

Kline, R. B.
Is the Fourth Edition Stanford-Binet a four-factor test? Confirmatory factor analyses of alternative models for ages 2 through 23.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 7, 4-13.

Glaros, A. G., & Kline, R. B.
Understanding the accuracy of tests with cutting scores: The sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value model.
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 44, 1013-1023.

Kline, R. B.
Methodological considerations in evaluation of diagnosis-parent checklist convergence.
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 16, 289-298.

Kline, R. B., Lachar, D., & Gdowski, C. L.
Convergence and concurrent validity of DSM-III diagnoses and the Personality Inventory for Children (PIC).
Canadian Journal of Behaviourial Science, 20, 251-264.

Kline, R. B., Canter, W. A., & Robin, A.
Parameters of teenage alcohol use: A path-analytic conceptual model.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55, 521-528.


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Kline, R. B., Lachar, D., & Boersma, D. C.

A Personality Inventory for Children (PIC) Typology: III.
Relationship to cognitive functioning and special education placement.
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 5, 327-339.

Kline, R. B., Lachar, D., & Gdowski, C. L.
A Personality Inventory for Children (PIC) profile typology of children and adolescents: II.
Classification rules and specific behavior correlates.
Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 16, 225-234.

Kline, R. B., Maltz, A., Lachar, D., Spector, S., & Fischhoff, J.
Differentiation of infantile autistic, child-onset pervasive developmental disorder, and mentally retarded children with the Personality Inventory for Children.
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 26, 839-843.

Lachar, D., Kline, R. B., & Gdowski, C. L.
Respondent psychopathology and interpretive accuracy of the Personality Inventory for Children (PIC): The evaluation of a "most reasonable assumption."
Journal of Personality Assessment, 51, 165-177.

Gdowski, C. L., Lachar, D., & Kline, R. B.
A PIC profile typology of children and adolescents: I.
Empirically derived alternative to traditional diagnosis.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 94, 346-361.

Kline, R. B., Lachar, D., & Sprague, D.
The Personality Inventory for Children (PIC): An unbiased predictor of cognitive and academic status.
Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 10, 461-477.

Kline, R. B., & Snyder, D. K.
Replicated MMPI subtypes of men and women alcoholics: Relationship to self-reported drinking patterns.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 53, 70-79.

Snyder, D. K., Kline, R. B., & Podany, E. C.
A comparison of external correlates of MMPI substance abuse scales across sex and race.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 53, 520-525.















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